Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Humor rights activist

Subset of "human rights activists." Someone willing to take a slap in the face or worse for a joke or funny remark with minimal to zero regard to the political correctness and or offensive strength of said humor, as defined in "Declarations of the Overseers of Humor Rights," (DOH, Right), caretakers: the OneCent.US Group of Companies.

Note: "Humor Rights Activists" make up less than 1% of adult humans, not to be confused with "humor rights advocate" which is just someone who will laugh at anything over the top but deny it later, basically the other 99%, friggin' hypocrites.

DOH Right! is the self appointed and undisputed (actually, no one cares) worldwide standard setting body for humor advocacy on six of the seven world continents, its only area of non-jurisdiction on Earth is Antarctica, where it's so friggin' cold that it's damn near impossible to laugh at anything except what a twit you are for signing up to do ANYTHING there.

Otherwise? the following is an excerpt from the DOH Right! "F.E.I.T.C.T.A.J," (you figure out that acronym yourself, hint, the "J" stands for JOKE. If you can't figure it out? Read on not. You are not ready.) Safe Humor International Techniques (S.H.I.... oops..) chapter on evaluating a situation wherever you are on the globe based on your GPS coordinates as to whether or not telling a particular joke to a given audience demographic is likely to get you:

a) a free beer
b) slapped
c) killed
d) vilified in public, adored behind closed doors.
Source here

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