Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Second Vermont Republic...

The Second Vermont Republic is a nonviolent citizens’ network and think tank committed to: (1) the peaceful breakup of meganations such as the United States, Russia, and China; (2) the self-determination of breakaway states such as Quebec, Scotland, and Vermont; and (3) a strategic alliance with other small, democratic, nonviolent, affluent, socially responsible, cooperative, egalitarian, sustainable, ecofriendly nations such as Austria, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland which share a high degree of environmental integrity and a strong sense of community.
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UK's Risk Of Double-Dip Secession...

LONDON — British Prime Minister David Cameron’s New Year’s message was an occasion to congratulate himself; and in doing so, his criticism of European partners — France in particular — was hardly veiled: “If you doubt how disastrous a return to Labour-style economics would be, just look at countries currently following that approach,” he said. “They face increasing unemployment, industrial stagnation and enterprise in free fall.”
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Rights and obligations of Swiss citizens...

Swiss citizens are entitled to:
  • vote in political elections upon reaching the age of 18.
  • run for political office, including the Swiss Federal Council without being a member of any political party.
  • start and sign a petition or citizen's initiative for a referendum.
  • obtain a Swiss passport, and/or a Swiss identity card, granting them the right to return to Switzerland at any time.
  • avoid deportation from Switzerland.
  • being able to live, work, study, buy property and open up a business, anywhere in the EU through the bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the EU, plus the countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.
  • be required to perform military service or civilian service if male.
  • Read more here

Catalonia holds secession bid vote...

Catalan MPs are voting on whether to seek the right to hold a referendum on independence from Spain.

The EU will be watching closely as Belgium's Dutch speakers gear up to push for greater autonomy in May elections, and Scotland prepares to hold its own referendum on breaking away from Britain in the autumn.
The vote is a milestone in years of mass protests by Catalans, who are fiercely proud of their distinct culture and language, demanding the right to decide whether they want to secede.
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Switzerland's unique political system...

How does Swiss direct democracy work and how is it evolving? Switzerland is regularly cited abroad as an example of participatory democracy, but it is not necessarily a perfect system.
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Yes, we can...

Active separatist movements in Europe...

Map of active separatist movements in the European Union. Red names indicate regions with movements that only claim greater autonomy within the actual state. Black names indicate regions with important secessionist movements, although both categories include moderate movements. The nations highlighted in colors are the territories claimed by the local nationalist groups, including areas out of the state's borders and cases of annexation to other states (click to enlarge).

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Canterbury is a Hundred (1950)

Europe potential secession map...

Why Small Government...

Small government is a night watchman. A skeleton crew. A tiny institution restricted to defending our lives, liberty, and property.
Small government is a mere fraction of the cost, authority, resources, power, and size of today’s Big Government.
Small government is simple and cheap.
Small government is thrifty and effective.
Small government is accountable and responsible.
There’s no place to hide waste and corruption in a small government budget.
Small government means individual liberty and personal responsibility.
Small government enables and encourages self-reliance and voluntary cooperation. Creativity and productivity. Progress and prosperity.
Small government leaves us with the resources and responsibility for supporting our families.
It leaves us able and willing to support mutual aid and voluntary charity.
It leaves us free to act from the love of our families, compassion for neighbors truly in need, and empathy for those unable to help themselves.
Small government is beautiful.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

BREAK UP: Will California splinter into 6 states?

There’s nothing like a guy with a few million bucks to lend instant credibility to a previously penny-ante movement to split up the state of California.
Venture capitalist Tim Draper of Silicon Valley has filed paperwork for a November ballot measure that would divide California into six states, calling the Golden State as presently constituted “too big and bloated.”
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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Scotland secession could lead to the re-Balkanization of Europe...

This time next year, the country known as the United Kingdom may be about to disappear.
If Scotland's separatist government gets its way in a referendum planned for September, the 300-year-old union of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland — the United States' oldest and closest ally — will be on the road to disintegration.
That is a dramatic, though accurate, way of describing the possible secession of Scotland from one of the world's most successful political, social and economic unions.
The ties that bind the United Kingdom are strong, but there would be profound international implications should the Scottish people choose secession. The residual United Kingdom would still be a major player in the world, but upon losing a third of its land mass, 5 million of its population and a huge amount of credibility, its global standing would inevitably diminish.
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Move the NZ capital to Christchurch?

Friday, January 3, 2014

Small Is More Beautiful Than Ever...

There is one and only one conclusion that I should think everyone alive during this last year of sequester and shutdown and gridlock and Obamacare, and unprecedented government intrusion, would come to is this: the government we have in this country is too incompetent, inept, corrupt, wasteful, and inefficient, too centralized,  undemocratic, unjust, and invasive, and too unresponsive to the needs of individual citizens and small communities, and all because it is too big.  Simple as that.
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