Saturday, August 13, 2011

Theses and Timely Questions

  1. Markets work extremely well in dealing with the sorts of problems with which markets deal.
  2. Governments work extremely poorly in dealing with the sorts of problems with which markets deal.
  3. Governments work extremely well in causing the sorts of problems which governments enjoy pretending to solve.
  4. Within fewer years than you might think, intelligent design theory will be giving the Darwinist money-changers a hard time in the scientific temple.
  5. Sixty years on, there is still something fishy about FDR and Pearl Harbor.
  6. Stalin killed more people than Hitler.
  7. Mao killed more people than Stalin.
  8. In terms of what he had to work with, Pol Pot killed more people, proportionately, than Hitler, Stalin, or Mao.
  9. Pol Pot was educated in France. This may not mean a thing.
  10. Multiculturalism is not a reliable means of resolving the Rodney King Problem (‘Can’t we all just get along?
  11. Read more here

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