Sunday, September 9, 2012

Separatism threatens the future of Spain

Canadian regional elections seldom set the international pulse racing
but this week’s victory in Quebec of the separatist Parti Québécois
 was closely watched in Spain, now facing a revival of Basque and
 Catalan independence demands. These, in turn, are being carefully
 monitored by the Scottish National party, committed to a referendum
 in 2014 on Scotland’s future relationship with the UK.
By then, the die may be cast in Spain, where separatism has stormed
on to the agenda amid the worst crisis of the post-Franco, democratic
era. Alongside theeurozone crisis and Spain’s worsening public finances
 and chronic lack of economic growth and jobs, Madrid looks to be
sleepwalking into a constitutional crisis that could lead to the break-up
of Spain.
Read more here

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