Thursday, March 6, 2014


For want of a better word, this address will use the term, "independence" in preference to secession. "Secession" conjures up all sorts of negative aspects, such as conflict, bitterness, the need to fight for separation; animosity. "Independence" in my mind emits freedom, self-esteem and the expectation to be treated as a full sovereign State among the brotherhood of nations, including the Commonwealth of Australia.
When inspecting the concept of independence, we must look at the steps leading to federation and the prior conditions in the colony. . After doing so, we will look at the situation since federation. Is there enough justification to seek independence? How could it be done? What would the Commonwealth's response be? How could we not only survive, but survive successfully? It may be, that independence will NOT result in a "nightmare", but usher in, after an obvious period of adjustment, a prosperous, stable and healthy nation. We could remain as a Constitutional Monarchy or if the people decide, through the process of referendum, some form of a republic.
As an author and journalist, I have become aware that there is wide-spread support among Tasmanians for independence, especially among small business people.
Read more here

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